пятница, 14 декабря 2007 г.

Creative work of the students from public school #51

These are the pictures of the little students from public school #51 of Tbilisi.
They were very eager to draw all these pictures.

четверг, 13 декабря 2007 г.

Meeting of two partner schools

Students from public school #144 of Tbilisi have visited public school #51. Host students showed them school and photoes.
Students of the 4th grade sang Georgian folk song "Mravalzhamieri", which is performed almost at every Georgian table. Now we offer you our movie:

Students spoke with the principalOF the public school #51 about interesting things.


We spoke about this project, its results and planned the future

Project: "The Ethnographical Museum in open air"
If you are interested, please contact:


This is our traditional Georgian song. It is performed by the forth grade students of public school #51.

The student grade III of public school 144 from Georgia George Baidauri drew Toomas

Rati Tabagari drew Toomas

(grade III)

This picture drew George Chedia
(grade III)

Levan Grigolashvili drew this picture

(grade III)

The crown

The student grade III of school 144 Magda Natroshvili drew this picture


Tatia Manjavidze drew this picture
(grade III)


The Georgian table

The students of public school #51 represent traditions of the Georgian table


In October of 2007 year Estonian techers were on visit in Public School #144 of Tbilisi. They made "churchkhela" themselves.
While watching this movie, pay attention to the song. This is "Chakrulo", a song which is travelling in cosmos.

среда, 12 декабря 2007 г.


What do you think about Georgia?

Question #9

What is “Alaverdi”?

Question #8

Which part of Georgia has special wedding traditions?

Question #7

Which song has traveled in space?

Question #6

What is the duty of “Merikipe”?

Question #5

What is the aim of Georgian table?

Question #4

Which is the three most important dishes?

Question #3

How the guest is treated by Georgians?

Question #2

Who is the main member of the Georgian table?

The questions of the students from public school # 51

Who is “Tamada”?

вторник, 11 декабря 2007 г.

The students from grade III at school 144 are looking through the slide-show about Cristmas in Estonia http://www.vara7gr.blogspot.com and after that they will answer the questions about it.


Georgian table
Particularly wine is the main attribute of Georgian table . Georgian table as we call “ supra” is an
old Georgian tradition. Georgia is famous for its hospitality. In Georgia treatment is very important. The host often says “The guest is blessed forever.” There are many old traditions in
Georgia. Some of them were forgotten but Georgian “supra” is still the same .

The guests of Georgian table

The guest can be a relative, a friend , a stranger ,so anybody who visits the family. The process
can be planned or not planned . If you suddenly visit Georgian family, you will not leave without treating.

The members of Georgian table

Georgian table is hierarchical, it has a leader, as we call “Tamada “ . Tamada is chosen by the head of the family.The leader of the table also might be the head of the family.
If there is a special party , Tamada should be a man. Tamada has to choose “Merikipe” a person who pours wine. He is a special member of the table. He is the most honorable man .He has right
to pour this divine liquid, which we call wine.
The table has the main members bride and bridegroom if it is wedding.If it is a birthday party in this case the main member is a hear of anniversary. If the table is laid for you , it means that you are a special guest. Tamada leads the Supra and helps people to spend good time.

The formation of Georgian table

It is important to lay the table beautifully. There are various kind of dishes and wine.Supra is full of traditional food.: Khachapari, satsivi, khinkali, gomi. Georgia is an ancient country. There
are more than five hundred species of wine.The host treats his guests with wine.

Toasts of Georgian table

Tamada says a lot of toasts during the party. The first toast is for God and the last toast is for the
virgine. Every member of the table has to drink these toasts.It is easy to understand because
Christianity exist in Georgia for 1600 years.

Kakha Chantladze

I am Kakha Chantladze. I study at public school 51. I like music and have fun with friends. I like computer games and swimming.

I am Nino Khutsishvili. I study at public school # 51

I am Nino Khutsishvili. I am from Georgia(Tbilisi). I stude an public school 51. I am fond of reading books. I am kind and sociable.

Bidzina Kevxishvili

I am Bidzina Kevxishvili. I am 16 years old. I study at public scool 51. I like sport very much. I am a communicative and flexible person.

Maka Kvesoshvili

My name is Maka Kvesoshvili. I am 15 years old. I study at public school 51. I like computer games and reading books too.

Lali Odosashvili

My name is Lali Odosashvili. I study at public school 51. I usually spend time with my friends. I like dancing and singing with them. I like reading books too.

Polina Odisharia

I am Polina Odisharia. I am from Georgia. I am 16 years old and study at public scool 51. My hobbies are skiing and swimming. I like to read books.

Levan Pargani

I am Levan Pargani. I live in Georgia. I am 16 years old. I study at public scool 51. I like reading books, basketboll and comunical with people.

Luka Shavladze

Me name is Luka Shavladze. I am from Georgia. I am 15 years old. I like basketboll and computer games.I study at public scool 51.

Tamuna Siradze

I am Tamuna Siradze. I am 17 years old. I live in Georgia(Tbilisi). I study at public scool 51. I am 11th form. I like music, people and books.

Elene Adeishvili

I am Elene Adeishvili. I am from Georgia(Tbilisi). I am 13 years old and I study at public scool 51. I like listen to music, dance, read books and play computer games. My free time I spend with me friends.

Our school website is http://www.51school.ge


Let' s meet the students who are taking part in this project.


Public school 51 represents its own project about Georgian table

понедельник, 10 декабря 2007 г.


[slideshare id=198731&doc=a-n-s-w-e-r-s-1197316642579650-4&w=425]

вторник, 4 декабря 2007 г.

What do you know about vine?
(answer the questions)
1. What is called the fruit of the vine?
2. When are grapes picked?
3. What is called the process of picking grapes?
4. What is ``churchkheka`` made from?
5. How many species of vine is grown in Georgia?
6. According to the legend, What was st.Nino, the enlightener of georgians holding in her hand?
7. Name three products, that are made from grapes.
8. What is this? What is it used for?

9. How do you think these things are used for?
10.What is necessary to do when visiting Georgian family?

P.S. have you heard whether georgian wine is being sold in Estonia, If yes – what are their names?

понедельник, 3 декабря 2007 г.


We ar the students from Georgia. We live in capital of Georgia – Tbilisi.
We learn in the public school 144.

My name is Tiko Korkotashvili.

I was born in 1992.

I like reading books, listening to music, watching football.

I like dansing and painting.

My name is Salome Metonidze.

I am 15 yeards old.

I like painting, taking photos, listening to music, reading books ang swimming.

My name is Tamuna Piranishvili.

I live in Georgia. I am 16myears old and a student at grade 11.

I like travel and playing the piano.

I don't like watch TV.

I am Lana Mezurnishvili.

Iam from georgia. I live in Tbilisi. I am 16 years old and a student at grade 11.

I like music and dancing, also history and English langvuage.

I don't like singing.

My name is George Korinteli.

I come from Georgia. I am a student at the school 144 of Tbilisi. I am studying modern languages English and Russian.

I am 16 years old.

My hobby is playing football, swimming and playing computer.

My name is Rusudan Palavandishvili.

I am from georgia. I am 16 years old and study at grade 10.

I like English Language very much, also music and dancing.

I din't like football.