понедельник, 3 декабря 2007 г.



In our time Georgia’s agriculture is known to the rest of the world because of its three major cultures –grapes, tea and citric plants. the two letter are still very recent in the Georgian republic, but for many centuries her history has been interwoven with the roots of the vine.
As a legend goes, Nino, the illuminatrix of Georgia who lived in the 4th century A.D. had a cross made of vine branches tied with her own hair. She came to the southern border of Iberia and holding the cross in her hands stepped onto the Iberian soil.
The vine cross… No other country in the entire Christian world has ever had such an amazing symbol of vine and faith.

Perhaps to this deep love we owe the fact that over 500 species and varieties of this blessed culture are now bred in our little country. Just fancy! Over five hundred different species:
Rkatsiteli, Saperavi, Mtsvane, Tsolikauri, Tsitska, Krakhuna, Chinuri, Pino, Dzvelshava., Khvanchkara, Aladasturi, Chkhaveri, Kachichi Izabela, Khindzmarauli, Cabernet, Aligote, Aleksandreuli, Ojaleshi, Usakhelauri, Chkaveri, Khikhvi…

Ancient architectural monuments and ruins dating back to the pre- and early Christian times and found in abundancy in the Georgian mountains and valleys are built of stones with ornaments representing vine leaves and grapes. To this day visitors marvel at vine shoots skillfully carved in the proudly rising walls of the ancient temples of Svetitskhoveli, Samtavisi, Ikalto, Zarzma, Gelati, Nikortsminda, Vardzia and many others.

The imprints of vine leaves in early geological strata, vine seeds found in the ancient tombs of the Bronze age, and numerous other proofs discovered by palaeobotany and archaeology convincingly confirm that from time immemorial Georgia has been growing grape-vines. Actually, it was one of the first countries in the world to begin cultivating vines. Meanwhile, wine-making implements, ancient wine vessels, clay, gold, silver and bronze cups for drinking wine, wine barrels manufactured in the second and even third millennium B.C., discovered at sites of archaeological excavations, leave no doubt that even at that time their owners mastered the art of wine-making.

Let us recall Georgian poetic and musical folklore. Georgians have sounds of a hymn created as 12th centure and beginning with the words ,,Thou art my vine-yard”. We’d call this a love raised to the level of religion.


Vine is cultural plant, that grows in the most places of Georgia.
The fruit of vine is called grapes. Grapes are used for eating and are called the ,,king of fruits”. It consists of necessary eatable substances and has enough calories. It has curable nature.
Grapes are picked in Autumn.The picking process is called vintage. From grapes are made: juice, jam, raisins and these products are very valuable.
By reproducting grapes the best alcoholic drinks: wine, vodka and brandy are made.
From boiled vine juice and flour ‘’pelamushi” and ‘’tatara” are made.
If we rinse out a thread of walnuts or nuts in ,,tatara” and hang up to dry it out, we’ll get ,,churchkhela”.
,,churchkhela” has many calories and doesn’t spoil, that’s why the climbers take them with when they go to the mountains.


For the vintage wine-growers are preparing for a long time. People begin to prepare the points receiving grapes, transportation, baskets and others.
Vintage is public holiday of taking harvest-full of dancing and singing.
During the vintage baskets full of grapes are put on the trucks and they are taken to the wine-cellars.
In the wine-callers grapes are pressed in the wine-presses. Pressed juice is kept. A few days later juice begins boiling naturally. The boiled juice is called ,,machari”. And after a while it turns into wine and is kept in the wooden dishes or large pitchers for wine.
large pitchers are placed in the ground to keep wine cool. ,,Chinchila” and ,,orshimo” are the kinds of a jug that are used to take wine out of pitchers.
This way of wine-growing you may see in every family of wine-growers. But there are a lot of vine factories in our country, which make wine in different technologies and prepare it to export to the other countries. For example Georgian wines ,,Teliani valley” and ,,badagoni” got golden medals at the international festival in Denmark.
When visiting our country you will be served with wine in every family. You should know that wine must be drink to respect and cheer up the host and the family because it’s a great tradition. And also a toast to wine-grower, who has grown and pressed the vine is raised everytime.

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